6 Security Issues that Need Consideration during Mobile App Development
- By Emily --
- Thursday, 20 Feb, 2020
A number of apps release every single day on the Google Play Store and the fact is most of them carry vital user information. Having user information in it makes these apps more vulnerable to hacker attacks who look for any loophole in apps. If they find one they’re going to hack it and phish user information or implant malware in it. There’re different security concerns that need to be addressed by the mobile app development company in India.
However, several reports have shown that malware detection comes down by 40% as compared to 2017 due to the use of different security features. As a mobile app development service provider, Acquiro Business Solutions Pvt Ltd keeps a close eye on these security issues and tackles them with some of the best app developers in the industry. Mobile app development companies ensure that users are getting benefits from the app they’ve developed without letting your data vulnerable to hackers. In this blog, I will discuss major security issues that should be considered during the mobile app development process.
#1 Leaving cache unchecked
Mobiles are known to be more vulnerable to most of the security breaches since it is quite easy to access the cached information stored on a phone. Mobile app developers should develop an app utilizing a smart cache cleaning cycle that works automatically or is password protected.
#2 Use of Hacker-Written Codes
Many hackers create different codes and publish it on different public platforms hoping app developers pick them up to use their idea. Many mobile app developers are found not building the app from scratch, instead, they use ready-made codes and frameworks to complete the app development project. To ensure the security of the app, mobile app development companies in India should consider the verification of these third-party codes before using it.
#3 Not Carrying Out Security Thoroughly
A mobile app developer is responsible for carrying out security checks thoroughly and should take appropriate measures to fix vulnerabilities. From time to time, we have seen developers releasing their app in beta mode leaving users at a data security risk. This is why developers need to test the app properly checking every aspect before its release.
#4 Weak or No encryption
Encryption plays a vital role when it comes to blocking hackers from attacking the phone of different users and even the servers. Remember that with technology getting advanced hackers are well-equipped so make sure encryptions also need to be upgraded. In the past, there have been some apps that stored user information in simple language and got hacked quite easily.
#5 Slow Upgrades and Patching
Hackers tend to start working on finding loopholes in your app post its launch. Once these loopholes get exposed you should start plugging these holes and update the users with immediate patches to help the restoration of the functionality of the app as well as the faith of users using it. It is better to fix every issue before its release because there’s no margin of error when you deal with users’ sensitive information.
#6 Lack of Server-Side Security
Despite providing better security, apps get hacked from time to time. This is the result of lacking to provide server-side security and gets vulnerable to the attacks. Neglecting or compromising the security of the server-side can cause loss of sensitive user data such as credit/debit card information, personal identification information and much more. Just in case you are dealing and collecting a lot of user data then you must get a certified SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
So that’s it! Beware of the predators who are looking to get inside the loophole in your app. Make sure you’re checking every bit of security details before the app release. In case you’re looking to get yourself a mobile you can consider Acquiro Business Solutions Pvt Ltd for it. Being a mobile app development company, we are dedicated to delivering the best mobile app development services to clients with different security features within the country as well as abroad.